Family Fun

Better With Time

January 17, 2012

Here’s an inside look into this past weekend & the glorious waffles we ate way too many of.

Watching Pinocchio with soft blankies and snacks

Playing ball with Dad.

It’s game time! Yes, and LuLu managed to discreetly sneak a bone or two away when Ry wasn’t looking.

Smoking brisket. Yeah, they’re both kinda rugged like that! ha!

Lately I’ve been contemplating where my life has been and where it’s headed. By that I mean life prior to kidlets, life with one, and life in the future with two.

We all continue to age and some wish they could turn back their clocks to younger more enjoyable years. About her own life, my mom has always said, “I’d never go back.”

I never understood that. You mean, you’d never go back to college days? What about having little babies in the house again? None of it? It was hard for me to wrap my head around the whole thing.

That is, until just a few days ago.

We were driving in the car returning home from Husby’s basketball game. Sweaty, hungry, and very stinky, but none the less an amazing husband turned father playing peekaboo with Gage in the rearview mirror. Baby chuckles and claps immediately erupted! And so did my heart!

Life is so good.

And then my thoughts traced back to life prior to that chuckling baby boy who wasn’t sitting in the backseat. Whose toys weren’t adorning our doll house. Whose bedroom was just a spare room to house boxes and random junk.

I THOUGHT life was good then.

Don’t get me wrong, it WAS good. Good for the time being. But I didn’t know how GOOD it was going to get.

When I was pregnant with Gage, for whatever reason(s), friends and strangers alike would say, “Forget the salon days, the pedicures, shopping, washing your hair or dare I say makeup? Accept a dirty house, messy cars, sticky walls, pretty much say goodbye to everything you are right now.”

Wow! If that wasn’t encouraging news for an expectant mother, I don’t know what was.

My life as I new it would be OVER.

Life after a baby changed alright. But it was anything BUT that description I was told it would be. I didn’t loose my former life; rather I added more to it.

Gage has made life more whole. Filling voids that I didn’t know were there. Making me a better more whole person. One who is forced to learn and with learning comes growth and joy.

As a family we’re still doing all the same fun things we did before Gage. If anything, he’s given us reason to do even more together. He brings more to life.

Yes, don’t get me wrong. It’s not ALL smiles. I’m definitely busier now making sure the walls AREN’T sticky and that I set aside the time to put my makeup on. But it’s definitely a choice I’m willing to make.

And life’s just that. A choice to make it how you want it. It’s our for the making.

As we approach a new season of adding another child into our home I can’t help but hear those same critics voices saying, “It’s over! Forget life as you knew it. You might’ve been able to do it with one… but two? That’s a whole new ballgame.”

And they’re right. It IS a new ballgame. One I’m openly admitting to having NO experience with. But if past experience has taught me anything, life should be enjoyed in it’s current state and looked at it’s future as only getting brighter.

And for that, my mom was right.

I’d never go back.

  • Dusty Alley January 17, 2012 at 2:38 pm

    I relate to this post 100 percent. My son is almost 7. And for all these past years I felt like I could only be a mom and then I was lost. I, too, have shared my feelings about this on my blog. I felt renewed when I found this outlet of the internet world to be me again. I thought I chose only one path, but I really chose it all, I just had to find the balance and direction and sometimes I still fail miserably, but I wouldn’t trade a minute of it. I wish you the best. Oh, and my son’s middle name is Gage. Love Love!

  • Katie January 17, 2012 at 2:46 pm

    This is awesome! I love everything about this post! You are right. It is all about you making your life what YOU want it to be. People said the same things to us with each child. There are some things I have let go of that I enjoyed before… but that is by choice! I still make time for my favorite things (having a girlfriend over for coffee once a week, a night out with the girls once a month, getting dressed up for date nights, making sure my toenails are ALWAYS painted! Ha!) and you will too. You are right, more kiddos just add more fun. Life was wonderful with one but two is twice the fun! And now with three… oh my goodness! I feel like my heart is going to explode some days. You will love it! I am so excited for you!

  • emily January 17, 2012 at 2:50 pm

    you are so sweet, missy! i love reading your posts – always uplifting & inspiring

    my little one just turned 10 months old and ive had this same conversation in my head dozens of times – life was so much ‘easier’ pre-baby but i would never trade in my slobbery kissing, sticky handed, up at 5am baby for the old days. A child is a gift in so many ways, it’s amazing how they can change a family

  • Jenna January 17, 2012 at 3:01 pm

    This has to be one of the best posts you’ve written. So true, so touching, I love it!

  • Marlene January 17, 2012 at 3:06 pm

    Right before the birth of our fist son, people would tell me “Enjoy this time, when the baby comes life will never be the same”. I did enjoy those last few weeks of pregnancy, reading books at leisure, dinner in the park with my hubby, visiting friends. But when that little boy made his way into my arms for the first time my world changed for the better. Life has never been the same, it has been that much better. 11 years and 3 children later, life is amazing – such a blessing. Life is different than before, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I still make time for makeup, pedicures, shopping (thanks to a wonderful hubby who realizes “me time” keeps his wife sane!). My house isn’t perfect, and sometimes the endless amount of toys and “junk” strewn all over the floor makes my head spin…….but then I look into those sweet little faces and think “I am so blessed”. Loved your post today! Made me think back over these past 11 years and a good reminder to be thankful for what I have.

  • Allison J January 17, 2012 at 3:42 pm

    I’m still adjusting to my busy life as a mom to more than one. You’ve seen me on some of my worst days, but I wouldn’t trade a single second of this crazy life for my life before I had children. They are such wonderful blessings and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to be their mom. I’m sure you will handle the transition beautifully, just as you always have!

  • Megan January 17, 2012 at 4:40 pm

    Thanks for these thoughts! As I’m about to become a mom myself (6 weeks until little man comes) this was nice to hear. And I’ll be sure to play ninja turtles with him 🙂 Thank God for little boys – and for big ones who grow up to be great dads.

  • DevonRiesenberg January 17, 2012 at 4:46 pm

    Sitting here with my 11mo and my coffee and loved this post! “life should be enjoyed in its current state” is a great motto. Cheers!

  • carrie January 17, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    I needed to hear this ….. I am terrified of the next stage of life (having children) -thanks for putting it into perspective! 🙂

  • Rebecca miller January 17, 2012 at 5:57 pm

    Thank you for this post. It was just what I needed reminded of today!

  • Leanna January 17, 2012 at 6:00 pm

    I love this post. I just started following your website & I love reading it!! I have two little daughters (one 21 month old & one 8 month old)…and life with two little ones is absolutely amazing!!

    When I was pregnant with my second, I remember feeling a little bit sad thinking that life was no longer going to be just the three of us (that my oldest would have to share attention…) but you learn to love even more. I remember when I had my first, thinking “I never knew I had the capacity to love this much!!”…and I’ve felt that even more as our family has grown…

    It’s amazing how your happiness grows greater & greater…and life is happier than it ever was before!

    Thanks for this post. It was a great reminder to me of how beautiful these moments are!

  • Monica January 17, 2012 at 7:05 pm

    I’ve been following your blog for a while now and this post has really struck a chord with me. My husband and I were married for over 10 years before we had our precious baby girl who is now 7 months old, and as you can imagine, we’ve had some pretty spectacular times as a couple. As great as those times were, nothing compares to the added joy our little girl brings to each moment of each day. Like you, we received our fair share of forewarnings and still do. I, however, believe this is what life is all about and what God intended for us to fully enjoy. Bless you and your little family. Your blog has blessed my day. Thank you.

  • Tammy January 17, 2012 at 7:48 pm

    Great post Missy! Being 6 kids and (nearly) 13 years into the adventure of parenting all I can say is it really *does* get better with each little one you bring into your family. Having recently ventured into the unknown life of homeschool I can honestly say that giving your all your kids is an amazing experience to be enjoyed each and every day because we cannot go back and do it over–so here’s to loving the first time around 🙂

  • Anna @ The Guiltless Life January 17, 2012 at 8:44 pm

    This is a great post and so true. I don’t have kids so I can’t speak from experience or anything but I’ve never heard anything but good things from friends.

    I just found out I will become an aunt for the first time this summer and I’m hearing about all the pregnancy stages through my sister. It’s interesting what people think they can get away with saying to pregnant women. It’s as if people who give birth (not everyone, no offense intended!) become know-it-alls haha. All they want to do is tell you everything you need to know.

    Sometimes it’s best to take a different approach, no? I had friends who went to my home country for their honeymoon, for example, and the husband had planned a wonderful trip. I could have told them all the best places to go and things to do but it was their honeymoon, so I thought it would be best to step back and let them do their thing. I often think that’s how people should be a bit more with expecting parents! So excited for your family Missy!

  • shannon b January 17, 2012 at 9:40 pm

    This is such a great post! I love your perspective. I have 3 kids, and yes life changes with each one . . . but for the better. I share your perspective of enjoying life now and and tomorrow and next year — enjoying it all as it comes at me. I’ve never been one to look back and miss & wish & regret. Like you said, life was good then and now we get to add even more goodness to it.

    p.s. This waffles look deliciously crispy. Mmmm. Do you have a magic recipe?

  • Jenedy January 17, 2012 at 10:14 pm

    Amen, my friend. In all the changes life brings to us there is still joy! You’ll do great with two! I definitely believe two is better than one!

  • Natalie January 18, 2012 at 7:22 am

    Well said! I don’t have children but thats great to hear because children are in my future and thats what I want to hear that life still goes and gets better and fuller! Beautiful post, Great pics!


  • Jennie January 18, 2012 at 4:56 pm

    Thank you so much for this encouragement! I hear comments like that all the time: “Enjoy your life now because once you have kids, it’ll pretty much ruin everything.”

    Of course, the hard part is that having never had children, I can’t really tell them otherwise. But I honestly believe that it doesn’t have to be like that. Thank you for championing that life after kids isn’t over; it’s just more life to love.

  • Aimee January 18, 2012 at 8:30 pm

    Perfectly said!!

  • Kendall January 18, 2012 at 8:39 pm

    So precious, this post was very touching!

  • Rachel {polkadots and puppies] January 18, 2012 at 9:20 pm

    I love this post! I’m usually a ‘less is more’ kinda gal, but definitely not so when it comes to the subject of children. They are true blessings that have a funny way of effortlessly and exponentially expanding upon the joy and love that your heart can hold. 😉
    -Love and sparkles

  • kylie January 22, 2012 at 2:04 am

    i love this post. it is so true and really helped me today. i think i needed to hear this. thank you 🙂


  • ChelleBelle January 26, 2012 at 2:58 am

    I made my husband read this. He’s a bit apprehensive to have a kid.. This definitely put a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing!


  • Shannon January 19, 2013 at 12:37 am

    Love your blog! I wish that I had found it 18 months ago when my daughter was born. It took me a long time to find myself again & get this whole wife, mom, career thing down. It was great to read this & know that others can relate! Thanks for sharing!