How to shed the baby weight, you ask? That’s a loaded question and I’m no fitness guru by any means (just my opinions and personal experience talking). I have no idea if it’s my genes, or this regimen, or maybe a little of both, to thank for helping me pop back…
1 + 2. DVD’s
When pregnant, I alternate between DVD series #1 “Element Prenatal/Postnatal Yoga” (T/Th evenings) and #2 “Lindsay Brin” (M/W/F mornings). If I want to skip a T/Th, I pop in my #1 yoga session after my #2 cardio workout. I might add, I don’t workout during my 1st trimester – partly because I worry about the potential to miscarry (probably shouldn’t, but I do) and mostly because I’m sicker than a dog and any physical exercise makes it that much worse. But come 2nd-3rd, I stick to it. Let’s be honest, 4th tri is hit and miss. Carrying around ginormous baby bump is enough of a workout! ha!
Post prego, I mainly stick to #2 (M/W/F). Let’s be honest, extra time is at a bare minimum. But, I’ve found I can squeeze in 18 minutes. Yes, the workout regimen post baby only takes 18 minutes! #1 DVD is still used but only when I have extra time, need to relax, or on weekends.
3. Water & Eating Tips
Drink, drink, drink – it flushes away extra water weight your body is holding onto. But water can be nauseating in excess, am I right? I like to keep THIS carafe filled with water and fresh fruit on the counter at room temp. The rule is, it has to be empty by the end of the day. I hear you, it’s hard to remember to drink! After using the potty (and of course after washing hands) drink a small glass. It’ll send you back to the bathroom in no time… the process will keep repeating all day!
Eat balanced meals so your body can let go of excess fat. It’ll store it if it thinks your baby might need it. Convince your body to stop being overprotective of your baby – by eating balanced meals (yes, this includes good healthy fats: avocados, olives, olive oil, eggs, fish). I wrote another post explaining a bit more, HERE.
I try to avoid carbs and refined sugars after 12:00 pm. It’s a simple little trick that’s easy to live by. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some desserts (duh)… 3x per week (and enjoy every morsel and minute of it).
TMI – I breastfeed. Not just for baby’s benefits but also my own. I attribute most of my post prego weight loss to breastfeeding. Now before everyone starts throwing bows, let me just say, I’ve heard/witnessed both sides of this topic and respect both. It’s not for everyone for many reasons and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with either side. But for me, it helped shed the weight that much faster.
4. Keep Taking Your Vitamins
Your body and your baby need them. I take THESE, recommended by my nutritionist, plus a liquid vitamin d supplement, omega 3 fish oil, and a powdered probiotic.
Thanks for the post Missy! I have the same workout tapes. Its just hard to stay motivated when you’re busy with tots! You have inspired me to stick with it. I notice breastfeeding helped me lose weight very quickly too. Its those last 5 lbs 🙂 Oh well. Thanks, you look great 🙂
Wow how do you find the time to work out with 2 kiddos, running a household, cooking and being a fabulous wife?? I have such a hard time balancing life, that I always feel I have to limit my workouts so that I can cook, clean, and spend time with my precious boy.
you look fabulous, thanks for the tips!!
I’m so glad you posted this! I’m 6 months pregnant and wondering what you did/do and this helps a lot! Thank you!
I love your blog!!
and I’m dying to know where you got that sweater!!
Hi Missy. Thanks for the tips! What do you do when you are not expecting/recently delivered? Thanks
What brands do you use for the vitamin d, fish oil and probiotic?
YES! The post I’ve bee waiting for!!! 🙂 Thank you so much for posting this. You are an inspiration! I had my third baby 5 months ago and have been struggling ever since. My life seems so hectic and I feel like I can barely keep my head above water! But you have inspired me! I agree with the breastfeeding thing! My two youngest I quit early, but with my third I’m still breastfeeding and the weight just continues to fall off! YES!!! 🙂 I think I’ll breastfeed until baby is 3 yrs old! hahaha! JK! Thank you MIssy! I LOVE YOU for all the inspiration you give! 🙂 xo Amber
Sorry, one last thing! Is there a reason you take a LIQUID vitamin D supplement rather than pill form? Also, same with the probiotic powder…is there a reason you take that rather than yogurt with probiotics? Thanks!
Do you find that no more carbs after 12pm affects your supply at all? (Sorry if that’s too personal!) I’m breastfeeding too and so paranoid that cutting back so much on carbs will make my supply drop big time cause that’s what everyone keeps telling me!
OMGoodness Missy! I’m so glad to hear you don’t exercise during your first tri. I have been mentally beating myself up for being such a “bumb on a log
.” Thankyou, literally, thankyou for this post. I look forward to 2nd tri and I’m excited to try these workouts! Xoxo…
What kind of fruit do you like in your water?
Thanks for the tips 🙂
I took my son to an allergist last week and was told they are thinking if you take probiotics the last three months of your pregnancy it can reduce the risks that your child will have eczema. … I’m definitely going to have to try this next time.
I know you don’t wash your hair every day…. How do you get away with not washing your hair even when you do cardio? I feel like my hair is a sweaty mess and must be washed when I work out.
Thanks 🙂
Wondering where you got your leggings in this photo?? Love the inspiration from this post!!
Wow you look amazing for that being all you did!!!
I am looking for a nutritionist and I am clueless as to what I should be looking for in this person who will play a big part in my health. Any advice on what to look for or how you found yours?
you’re beautiful. and this looks great! i’m going to share with my sis meggie!
Here I am looking at this post again after 3 years, nobody inspires me as mom more than you.
I remember reading it after my first baby, thinking man I wish I saw this when I was preggo. Now that baby number two is on its way, I find it just as relevant and helpful. I can use these. Yaaaay
thanx always