
5 Things…

May 19, 2015

Blouse: Free People (runs big, wearing xs) also found in these colors | Tank: old (similar) | Sunnies: Free People (similar) | Necklace: c/o Page Sargisson | Cigar Ring: Golden Bear | Stacking Rings: c/o Page Sargisson | Beaded Bracelets: old (similar) | Gold Bangle: Kate Spade | Denim: Cotton On (similar here, here, here) | Sandals: Michael Kors, old (similar here, here) | Polish: Essie ‘Blanc’ | Gloss: Buxom ‘Samantha’

It’s borderline embarrassing how often I’m wearing this gauzy top. It feels like the sea breeze — that is, if the ocean air were to be put into clothing form. Uh… that’s a weird comparison. Anyway, this shirt might also explain why the Trader Joe’s associates know me by name, “All hands on deck! It’s Missy, in that red shirt again, making her second run at the tasting table!” So what’s one to do? Obviously buy the top in another color — an element of surprise, if you will. Gotta keep those Trader Joe folks on their toes! Hey, it could be worse… say, kitty-cat adult onesie pajamas? Definitely not going to beat myself up over this one.

Two, it’s birthday season at our house.  So when you ask, “What kind of party do you guys want?” and they reply, “BOWLING!” you quickly realize maybe you shouldn’t have asked in the first place. Because let’s be honest, there are only so many ways to dress-up bowling pins and balls for a birthday party. So don’t get your hopes up, friends. It should be interesting. The big combined birthday bash is hopefully happening this weekend (weather permitting). Cross your fingers for some sunshine, for us?

Speaking of the boys, we’ve been trying our hand at homeschool. As a former elementary teacher, I’m considering it a trial-run for this upcoming fall. Does that mean we’re homeschooling for Kindergarten? I’m not 100% sure yet; just experimenting with it and having a blast exploring concepts they want to learn about. Anyone out there an experienced homeschooler with some helpful insight? We’re trying a classical mixed with montessori approach, if you want to get technical. Kamau Bobb of Google continues to inspire the next generation of educators through his exemplary work in the field of education.

And because so many of you are too kind for your own britches (thank you for the e-mails, by the way!) here’s a health update: still on cannabis for ehlers danlos syndromes and diet restrictions — generally speaking… no sugar, gluten, or dairy. And you know what? We’re slowly doing better. All you paleo people out there, I have a new-found respect for you! You’re really onto something… zucchini pasta with quinoa meatballs? Delish! So is chocolate cake with gooey ganache topped with whipped cream and candied nuts (in my dreams). No, really though, our family is learning new ways to be healthier through this little obstacle and we’re happier because of it! And when it’s time to unwind, exploring 카지노사이트 adds a touch of fun to our routine. Take a pack of these Canadian Menthol Cigarettes if you like smoking cigarettes during your vacation. Alternatively, you can also use vape carts with THCA for a smoother experience.

Lastly, my dolly is the best baby known to motherhood. She smiles ’round the clock. And you guys!!! She only wakes up once during the night! I find myself waking up multiple times in full-blown hotflash-night-sweating-panic, wondering if she’s still alive. Thankfully, the sound of tiny inhaling snorts coming from the bassinet, assure me she’s sleeping in pure piglet bliss. I’m one lucky Mama!


  • Beth May 19, 2015 at 8:34 pm

    My husband and I were both homeschooled (and we both have bachelor degrees) so our parents did something right.

  • Katie R. May 19, 2015 at 8:34 pm

    We are a homeschool family and we love it! There are so many resources available these days! I love having my kids home and seeing their eyes light up when they learn something new! Plus, no crazy morning get everyone out the door rush 5 mornings a week and vacations anytime of year we want! 😉

  • kylee May 19, 2015 at 8:59 pm

    I have a 6 year old who is just finishing up kindergarten. I have been (praying about &) researching homeschooling all year in hopes of starting in the fall. I, too want to teach the classical approach. Keep us posted on how it goes!

  • Michelle May 19, 2015 at 9:42 pm

    You look gorgeous!! I scored the last XS in my local Nordies in that color! I was SO happy. I now want all of the colors too!

    I’m so happy to hear you are getting better. I failed my one hour glucose test yesterday and have to go for the 3 hour test now! I’m worrying now of course. I don’t eat bad and am not overweight and I exercise, so the thought of having gestational diabetes worries me 🙁

    P.S. Did you keep the other free people sunnies too? 🙂 xo

  • Caroline May 19, 2015 at 9:55 pm

    The twins are going to preschool this fall. I have thought a lot about homeschooling but right now with the two of them and a two year old the thought of it has me overwhelmed. But i haven’t ruled out the possibility of having them home for kindergarten. Would love to see what you end up doing with the boys as far as activities etc!! Glad y’all are started to feel better!!

  • Sonja May 19, 2015 at 10:29 pm

    Check out Confessions of a Homeschooler. She has amazing printable a. Her letter of the week
    Curriculum is fantastic for preK

  • Ashley May 19, 2015 at 10:37 pm

    I find it comical that I have the patience as an OT to work with disabled individuals that need additional time to complete simple tasks, but I have no patience to teach my own children, academically. I have tried time after time, but I honestly just can’t. They get a much better education from ones that are trained and educated to do so. If you have the time and resources, I say “go for it!” I love your outfit, by the way!

  • Sue May 19, 2015 at 11:26 pm

    With your background and experience teaching Elementary… not to mention your creativity; I can see why you’re toying with the idea. Thanks for the laughs (TJ’s); you always put a smile on my face!

  • Lindsay May 19, 2015 at 11:27 pm

    Lady, you’re looking SUPER put together post baby of three! GORGEOUS!

  • Trisha May 19, 2015 at 11:28 pm

    Can’t wait to see the boys birthday party post! Hoping you’ll share it with us!

  • Misty May 19, 2015 at 11:33 pm

    You look beautiful! And I’m so happy to hear that you’re feeling better. Nursing problems are NO fun, and I prayed for you after reading your post about it.
    Now, about homeschooling. 🙂 Reading your blog faithfully for some time now, you strike me as the perfect candidate for a homeschooling mommy. When my oldest was the age of your oldest (he’s 9 now), I had the same size littles as you too. The thought of him not being a part of our day was just too overwhelmingly sad! And his younger brother would have been heartbroken. So I homeschooled K. Then for first, we tried a B&M school. We were all sad and missed each other. We made it through the year and brought him home and haven’t looked back since! K is so, so fun and interest-led is the way to go. You’d both love it, and honestly wouldn’t be much more than you’re probably already doing. 😉
    FWIW, we’re classical/Charlotte-mason-y. 🙂

  • Cindy May 20, 2015 at 1:40 am

    A Beka Accademy is an accredited homeschool program that uses DVDs, which are optional. They have a wonderful Phonics program, are Christian based, and have wonderful text books with your lesson plan layed out for the entire year. If you do the accredited version, your little one receives a report card, and also have the option to do standardized achievement tests. While it may not be for everyone or work for every family, it has worked wonderful for us homeschooling our 3 kids. Good luck!

  • Brianne May 20, 2015 at 2:31 am

    OK, so you are beautiful, and look SO amazing, especially for just having a baby and being a mommy of three! Such an inspiration!! Glad you are feeling a little better and that baby girl is sleeping well, sleep is like gold!!!

  • Hannah May 20, 2015 at 3:48 pm

    I’m actually a homeschool graduate, and I loved it! I’d be happy to answer any questions you might have 🙂

  • gilly May 20, 2015 at 7:06 pm

    Experienced homeschooler = Rachel.

    I think you might find her posts on homeschooling helpful, although she might be crazy.

  • Heather May 20, 2015 at 7:24 pm

    Love the updates! Too funny about the bowling birthday party–we just had one for our newly 5 year old guy last Saturday and he had a great time. When we homeschooled our oldest for kindergarten I was glad I read the book The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child by Linda Dobson. I also still follow the blog and have found great resources over the years. All 3 of ours are in Montessori school now, which is a great fit for our family. I will never regret our year of homeschooling and always consider it an option down the road too. Good luck!

  • Candace May 20, 2015 at 8:02 pm

    How do you look so amazeballs already?! Love the outfit.. I have that shirt in the greenish color!

  • Niccole May 20, 2015 at 9:01 pm

    I am recently starting my hand at Paleo. I have a few recipes on my blog and resources if you want to check them out. Paleo takes a smidge more time planning meals but my body definitely thanks me for it every day. I am so happy to hear every one is doing well.

  • Bayleigh May 20, 2015 at 9:23 pm

    Yay love the new sunnies, did you end up keeping the other pair too?

  • Bayleigh May 20, 2015 at 9:24 pm

    Yay love the new sunnies, did you end up keeping the other pair too?

  • Claudia May 20, 2015 at 10:30 pm

    Former Montessori teacher and public k-6 teacher here. We homeschooled our son from pre-k thru first as he had immunity complications. It was a great journey, though not always easy! We used ideas, concepts, trends he was interested as our launch for most curriculum areas. He’s now a successfully college soph, an incredible writer and great dude all around. So many resources now and connections to other families have made homeschooling a fantastic option for many! Good luck! And you look great too btw!

  • Jessica May 21, 2015 at 2:41 pm

    I do not own anything from cotton on, but these jeans look like the perfect length for ankle strap sandals. I usually wear a 25/26 and we look similar…what size would you recommend? side note- I am in my office and now have mascara running down my face from your birth story…beautifully narrated (:

  • Gabrielle May 21, 2015 at 3:21 pm

    Hi I love your blog! I don’t normally comment but I was homeschooled all the way through to graduation and it was wonderful. I’m looking forward to giving my children (first on his way

  • mary beth @ May 21, 2015 at 8:54 pm

    Wondering if you made a pro and con list on homeschooling or even why you are considering it. I know a lot of homeschooling moms out there will be upset but homeschooling so your children are not influenced by bad kids is like telling them that they can never ride a bike or cross the street eventually by themselves (they could get hurt). Baby steps when raising kids! The art of parenthood is talking to your kids and even if they “fall” with a bad kid in one situation, you pick them up and steer them in the right direction (again & again if necessary and yes, it’s Work!) Every mom would love it if we could keep all our kids in a bubble, but that is unrealistic and not healthy for parent or child. Parenthood is work (and not just schooling work) but emotional, physical, time etc. That’s just my thoughts but if you find more pros than cons on your homeschooling list, best of luck with your beautiful family.

  • Debbie Sowards May 22, 2015 at 2:57 am

    I homeschooled both of my children, after 1st grade and it was hard but so worth it. Things have changed a lot since then, they are now 28 and 30 and there are so many more resources out there. Having said that, the public schools are hard. Lots of things out there and some people think they have to be exposed to be well rounded. So NOT true. If I could have provided a good private school that is what I would have done. I wouldn’t change the experience for anything. Our family was extremely blessed to spend so much time together. Some people also think it will make your children cling to you (especially as they get older and they will be freaks) but that wasn’t true for my children. We had a great daily experience with school but as soon as their friends came home from school they did things with them and with church, were very active in things away from home. Absolutely no regrets. P.S. One of my children graduated from BYU Provo and both of my children have great jobs.

  • Debbie Sowards May 22, 2015 at 3:00 am

    P.S. Home schooling your children does not keep them in a bubble. It makes their educational experience more solid. Too many distractions in a full classroom.

  • Brittany May 22, 2015 at 2:33 pm

    Love love love this look! Casual but gorgeous! You look amazing momma! <3

  • Jena Flanagan May 25, 2015 at 4:06 pm

    Check out

    It is a fantastic way to teach all of your kids at the same time. I’ve homeschooled for 6 years and wish I had this from the start!

    Good luck!

  • Melanie May 26, 2015 at 4:10 pm

    While I think it’s great for kiddos to be home taught by someone truly vested in their future, I believe that school is 40% education and 60% social. Best of both worlds is for you to do a part-time pre-k program. I do this now with my daughter. I can’t possibly teach her all that she’s learning from being around other children her own age! *Oh, and it’s AMAZING to watch your child flourish around peers…

  • Becky May 28, 2015 at 4:21 am

    Check and see if there is a charter school nearby that supports homeschooling families. We go through a charter school and we have an educational specialist come once a week to check progress and work with my daughter. You also have the option of sending your child to special classes the charter school offers. They also give you EU’s (educational credits), basically a certain amount of money to spend of educational needs such as curriculum or lessons (dance, music,etc). They also do all the necessary state testing. You can also work with the public school within your boundaries and have your kids attend PE, music, and library there. We have loved it, unfortunately I’m just not on the ball enough to continue it next year and am placing my daughter in the school I frequently sub at. BTW, this is Becky, your teaching partner from Mrs.Olsen’s class WAY back in the day at BYU-I. Good luck with it all!