Outfit Details: Jeans – 7 For All Mankind
, Boyfriend Tee – Target, MK Leather Jacket – HERE (similar HERE), Shoes – Target old (similar HERE), wings necklace – c/o A-Thread sold out (similar HERE
), Sunglasses – old (similar HERE). Gage: tee – American Apparel, Jeans – Zara, Sunnies – Target (in stores), Shoes – Old Navy. Beckam: tee – miniBoden
We’ve come to the conclusion that the weekend should be spent as mini vacations. To slow down, enjoy loved ones more fully, and explore places we’ve never seen before. So that’s what we did; explored a hot spot we’ve heard so much about. Market-shmarket for the boys… it was ALL about the light rail train getting us there! Gage thought he was kinda big stuff (ticket stub and all).
The “cheese lady’s” stand – famous for her heavenly grilled cheese sandwiches. Crazy combinations too… PB + Gouda anyone?
Trying to tame the food lion! If this picture could talk, you’d hear endless grunts and growls. And just look at that face of concentration! He means business, people.
Giving him the first slurp of the most divine cup of cocoa I’ve ever tasted. Leave it to a pretty design to make it taste even better!
Um… there’s lobsters and then there’s THIS lobster (if you can even call him that). Weighing in at 20 pounds this guy is more like godzilla of the sea! That claw alone… yikes! I’d hide my hands between my legs too, Gage.
On our way home – obviously way past nap time. But hey, schedules are out the window on vacation, remember?
He held onto his ticket the entire time at the market. He wasn’t about to miss out on another opportunity to ride the train!
This little one. I can’t even tell you how many times I nibble on him! Impossible as it may seem, he just keeps getting cuter!
A fun Saturday with the funnest boys around.
Just the way I like it.
love love your jacket! where is it from? thanks for all your fun posts!!
Fun! Where is your jacket from? I’ve been looking for one very similar…..
Absolutely love those pics!! You and your family are adorable! I’m quite fond of fun saturdays like that and hopefully they look like that when I have my own family :)! I also love your outfit in this post, where is that great leatherjacket from?
Lots of love from Germany to you!
I look forward to weekends like this when we have our own kiddies! 4 months to our wedding. Gage and his sunglasses and ticket stub..too adorable! Def thr cutest boys. You’re hair looks so amazing! Is this the loose curl look a couple days later?
Love your outfit especially your jacket!!! All of these pictures are adorable, your family is so cute..
Sincerely Miss Ash
LOVE your jeans at tee! where are they from? it can be ridiculously complicated to find the perfect white tee! thanks 🙂
Great post! where is your jacket and sunglasses from?
thank you
I love these pics, and your family is absolutely adorable!! Where is your jacket from? You always look so very cute and put together! Your hair looks amazing too! 😉 Have a great day!
your boys are ADORABLE!! love the idea of a small mini “vacation” to make our weekend better!! xoxo
That place looks great. Where is it?
beautiful pics!
Where did you get your son’s shoes from? Love them
Fun activity…love your blog! Must find outfit similar!!! please let us know!
We need the outfit details for sure!
Where do you shop for gage’s clothes? I love his look!! My little one would suit his style to a tee!…
Thanks 🙂
Love your site! Come here for tips all the time! I think you need to start adding where you buy your little mans outfits from for all us mommas!
Wow, I’d love to have such a laid back weekend with my family too. Your hair, sunglasses and jacket are a killer combination!
Hey there & Happy wednesday! I was wondering what type of camera do you use to capture your photos of love & glory?!!
Love, love, love the jacket! Where can I find it??
Looks like such a neat place! I love the idea of treating your weekends like a mini vacation.
I need outfit details! I love every component!
love Gages expression!! couldnt you snap pictures of these two every sec of the day( im sure u already do!!?)
jacket is Michael kors.. booo.. its sold out @ Nordies:(
Is your green track suit from your hubbys birthday movie night post Juicy? whats the color name?
**what cap sleeve top did u wear under your f21 lace top( jose eber post)boo.. cant find anything similar
**Your hair is it real or extensions? do u take supplements
for your “goldie locks”? plz spill deets on your hair colors.. do u get lowlights & highlights?
*******{Cheers to u and all that u do!! Thanks for all the helpful hints and making my life a little easier:)******
Love your jacket in this post! What size did you go with? Thanks!
Small 🙂