
Choose to Be Sunny

July 5, 2013

It had been awhile coming – all bottled up, too busy to think about it all, let alone talk about it. And wasn’t even sure I’d know what it all was I needed to say, if I ever got around to saying it. Just a big ball of mixed emotions.

You know the days.

It was Monday morning. Breakfast was cleaned up, the boys were playing, and I had just finished talking to my Dad about it all. I poured myself a glass of water. As I sipped water in, water came out… little silent tears that trickled down my face.

Somehow Gage just instinctively knew, came hopping around the corner, ‘A love will make you happy, Mama.’ While hugging and wiping away the tears, I glanced over his little shoulder at the beautiful sunflowers resting on our kitchen table. In that tender little moment, I was reminded to follow the example of those sunflowers — to look towards the sun for light and encouragement.

Today was ours for the making – to look for the sunnier things.

With company coming in town, bedsheets needed washing. Undressing a bed with jumps and pillow fights, made us smile.

The way he organizes so he can count, makes me smile. The little finger pointing to each chip, followed by the sounds of crunching with an open-mouth, makes me smile.

And this little monkey. I don’t think I could ever have a bad day if I paused long enough to savor adorable moments like these. Baby monkey makes me smile.

 Trying to decide whether or not he cares for plums. The verdict, ‘I do like plums. Yesiree, I do!’  I still see a baby boy in his hands and cheeks. Plums, his innocence, and curiosity make me smile.

Wildflowers in our backyard inviting us to share with others, made me smile. My mother always said, ‘Happiness is to forget self and do something for someone else.’ Gage chose which flowers he thought our neighbor would enjoy most.

She lives alone, loves when we visit and our boys. She makes us smile. So we paid her a visit with a little bouquet. His humming a little tune, made me smile.

Stopping to enjoy the hydrangeas and the sidewalk covered with petals, made me smile.

He knocked and knocked and knocked, as loud as his little fist would knock (which wasn’t very loud) but she finally answered. She admitted she could see us in our backyard snipping flowers and wondered what we were doing with them.

Um, remind me again why I was crying? ALL of this makes me smile.

On our little walk home after spreading a little love along the way with the little ones I love most.

Yes, life is full.

Life is good.

There are always reasons to smile.


  • Kellyann July 5, 2013 at 9:15 pm

    Just beautiful! Thank you.

  • Taya July 5, 2013 at 9:45 pm

    Thank you for being an example of looking to the light! Also, thank you for showing you can be beautiful and modest at the same time:)

  • fran July 5, 2013 at 9:59 pm

    Hope you’re feeling better now – your beautiful family makes me smile too. x

  • leesh July 6, 2013 at 2:07 am

    what mode do you shoot your camera in to get the awesome bokeh background you have?! please share 🙂 gorgeous pictures!

  • liz July 6, 2013 at 3:04 am

    What precious moments! Thanks for sharing!

  • Marla July 6, 2013 at 3:11 am

    Thank you Missy! The Lord is our strength always remember that! Hope you had a blessed day with your little ones. Their both just beautiful.

  • Laura | A Healthy Jalapeño July 6, 2013 at 4:35 am

    You never know when the hard days will hit, but like clockwork they always do. With my husbands deployment I’ve learned to take each moment for what it’s worth, happy or sad, because you learn and grow from it. Take each smile, happy moment or memory and cherish it because that’s what gets you from one day to the next and believe me, with 3 months to go before he’s home, I’ve got more than plenty of good to think back on and look forward to.

  • Angela July 6, 2013 at 4:42 am

    Thank you for this.

  • Lisa July 6, 2013 at 4:46 am

    Your post made me smile…


  • Jen July 6, 2013 at 1:17 pm

    I’ve been feeling the same way lately. You guys are adorable! Love the new hair tutorial by the way. I hope you have a better weekend, hugs!

  • Joy July 6, 2013 at 1:41 pm

    Your blog is wonderful, and your family is precious. It always makes me smile to read your posts about your boys….hopefully my 3 month old son and I will be having as much fun as you & your boys soon! (Once I get some sleep that is!) I was wondering what type of stroller you have? Thanks!

  • Amber July 6, 2013 at 1:47 pm

    Ummm, you’re shoes MAKE ME SMILE! I know the days Missy! I had my third baby almost a year ago and have struggled so much with keeping house and getting organized. I am just barely starting to come out of my FUNK, if you will! Life is good. On really hard days it is hard to remember that! Good for you girl! Love you for sharing! 🙂

  • liz July 6, 2013 at 2:23 pm

    Sometimes we just need to let a little emotion out – it’s healthy. You are always so up and positive and juggle so much. There’s lots going on in your life so that a breathe. You so good at enjoying the little things all around you and making others happy. Hope someone puts a little extra sunshine in your life today!

  • Jenny July 6, 2013 at 2:56 pm

    Thank you for this. Beautiful! On a different note, can you tell me what kind of stroller you have? It looks like a Bugaboo? Thanks

  • cassie July 6, 2013 at 3:43 pm

    Touching….thank you. Its the rain (water) that feeds the flower, the sun too. Interesting how both keep the flower living, breathing, radiating. The same goes for the soul; both are essential for our well being. .. the bad days (rain) and the good days (sunshine). You are alive, you are well, you are radiating.

  • Tara July 6, 2013 at 4:16 pm

    Beautiful post! Where are your sandals from?

  • Courtnee Best July 6, 2013 at 7:01 pm

    I love your stories.. You have a way of painting a picture with words 🙂 thanks missy

  • courtstar @ star systemz July 7, 2013 at 4:02 am

    All of these photos made me smile! We all have those days and don’t forget mercury is in retrograde so things are a bit crazy until July 20th! Sending you sunshine and a big hug! Love + shine Courtstar

  • Dee July 7, 2013 at 7:04 pm

    I always remember when I was told ‘Dont sweat the small things in life – Live, Laugh & Love’ It’s so easy to forget & let the little things build up & overwhelm us – But to appreciate the simple things in life that are so very precious and sometimes overlooked is the key to happiness – Much love xx 🙂

  • Brittany @ kitchen::candid July 7, 2013 at 7:34 pm

    Love love love your photos! And I love the idea of brightening someone else’s day even when you’re not feeling too sunny. Your boys are so blessed to have you for a mom. 🙂

  • EMH July 9, 2013 at 6:27 am

    It’s good to hear this on days that aren’t as bright feeling (even if they are themselves bright!) as other days. Thank you for shining a bright ray of sunshine into our souls! 🙂

  • Monica July 9, 2013 at 12:04 pm

    Thank you for sharing. I needed this.

    P.S. Love the blog and seeing pics of your beautiful family.

  • Sarah July 12, 2013 at 2:44 am

    This post makes me tear up for how sweet it is. Your boys are too cute and are so lucky to have you for a mom!

  • Mark July 14, 2013 at 2:16 am

    Sucking on the toes is the Best !