It’s really hard to say goodbye to the street that we covered in chalk, played in rain puddles, celebrated puppy birthdays, walked daily, and brought two babies home from the hospital. Eight years of life happened here.
This type of change — moving, saying goodbye, adapting to unanswered questions… it’s been one of the hardest transitions I’ve had to go through.
Back up to January 1st, 2014 — a clean New Year ready to be filled asking, ‘What will happen for us this year?’ But one thing was certain, a piece of 2014 that was guaranteed to happen — a new home.
But nothing in life is guaranteed.
We had three months to sell our dollhouse, to orchestrate the move into our new home, and start living the next chapter in our life.
Somewhere between picking out new paint and packing up boxes Ryan got a new job opportunity.
All of it happened so fast, too fast, uncomfortably fast.
And in a matter of weeks our packed boxes that were labeled to ship across town were rerouted across country, to Colorado.
With a new for sale sign in our new front yard, I’m having to say hello and goodbye at the same time. Goodbye to the future life we thought we were going to live. All while saying goodbye to the past that has been so incredibly good to our family.
A whirlwind of emotions accompanied all of it; and still do. I’m really struggling to process how all of this happened, why it happened, and what we’re supposed to do as a result of it.
But we’re together. And my joy and my life, is my family.
Not going to lie, it’s still hard. I’m only human. A mother, in fact, who cries over silly unlived experiences: baking cookies in a new kitchen, birthdays never celebrated in the backyard, bringing new babies home to a nursery that will never hear their cries. See? I told you I’m silly. But those things are hard. Almost as hard as saying goodbye to our friends who have become family. Our roots grew deep here. And part of my aged willow doesn’t want to sway — firmly planted in what I’ve made my home.
I’ve been learning through this experience a great lesson of how to make decisions, how to better communicate and express how I feel, and how to be more sensitive (and less judgmental) to others and their circumstances. All of us go through changes. On the outside we never know what someone might be going through on the inside. And we ought to be more caring, loving, and understanding of others, simply — just because we’re all trying our best.
Common sense said this move was right. However, my heart is having to rely on faith.
I suppose, common sense and faith are the same thing, moving at different speeds. Faith is just common sense, flying — the principle of moving forward, as though you have the confidence to move forward, so that when you look back and see what you’ve done, you can see that it was right.
I’m hoping and praying that it was right.
And ask that you’ll do the same. Or at least send us a friendly smile and some good thoughts our way while we adjust and go through this transition. I can only hope that with time, we’ll be able to grow new roots, planted and secured with new memories, moving forward with my little family that I love so much.
aww the best is yet to be! am also leaving our home of 19 years, the one that welcomed our baby son, sheltered us and protected us from life’s more trying moments, the one that held us as we all grew from a very young family, to one ready to fly the nest and two ready for an empty nest!
our new home awaits, lovely, lakeside, sunny. this home awaits too, new memories from another young family starting out. and we are all thanking our stars for that thing called…HOME!
all the best to you and your family. your heart will never leave the old, but will also fill the new!!
I will pray for you and your family during this huge transition! I can only imagine how hard this must be, but just rely on God and your Faith and all will be right! 🙂 Good luck and God Bless you in your new adventure!
Good luck!!! I will be praying for safe travels and for new adventures!!! My husband and I experienced the same move this time last year. In two weeks we had to pack up our home in Texas, and move to Charlotte. We had no idea what God had in store for us or where we were going to live, but it all worked out. Keep your eyes on Him and He will see you through!!!!
Wow! This made me tear up. I know exactly how you feel. Part of having a big heart that has raised a beautiful family is that change is a challenge. Allow urself to cry!! This was a great blog entry. One of ur best and hit home hard. Ur all in my thoughts!!
Welcome to Colorado. You will adjust and have all new memories here… that’s how life works. ((hugs))
Change is something that I really struggle with and unexpected and sudden changes are the worst. They leave me feeling like I’ve been kicked in the stomach, and it can be really hard for me to regain my bearings again. I’ve always found that once I get my routine established and familiarized myself with what’s new, that I always feel a little better. It takes time, but it will surely come. Best of luck to you and your family! It may be hard to see it now, but I’m sure that this is just the beginning of a wonderful new chapter in your lives! 🙂
we are moving too, I also have two little boys and we are now the 3rd week in an empty house since 2 weeks and I really have enough and wanna move on. Your words could have been from me, you go through so much. We lived here all these years and thats all my kids know, there school, friends and family is here. Who said its gonna be easy? But I know we can and will make it 🙂
Good luck to you and your beautiful family!
I often have the same silly thoughts. The mourning of loss is hard. I’ve mourned unbuilt houses, unconceived babies, and evened unpurchased outfits. Thankfully, there is always a plan and you are on a great adventure! I am in Colorado if you’d like to email me with questions. I’d love to help welcome you and your sweet family. I’m a 31 yo stay at home mama, so I’ve found all the fun places around the state. Hope to chat soon. You have my prayers in this transition!
Wow! So, you all are moving back to Colorado? I know you made a life here and it is hard to say goodbye to that life, but I hope you’re moving near your family/parents? I’m certain that would be an amazing warm hug waiting for you in your new place! Thankfully, your blog home isn’t moving and through this we can all keep following your beautiful view on life that you so graciously share with everyone. See, those of us that actually know you can testify to those that only know you through the blog that you are in fact 150% authentic and all that you share is nothing but honest to goodness reality in the world of Missy =))) God Bless you on your next chapter in life! I for one can’t wait to see all the new-ness you bring to my days! XOXO
Good luck on your move! I hope everything goes well for you and your family. Moving and changing are always hard, but new roots will be planted and memories made! Good luck on your new adventure!!
Reading your post made me tear up a little. My husband, baby, and I just moved across the country (Connecticut to Colorado). It also happened unexpectedly and very fast for us and I didn’t have a lot of time to process it. I terribly miss our friends that were more than family to us. Out move really fell into place and we felt like it was the right thing, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be hard. We are both strong though! The transition will get easier. If you happen to move to the Denver area, you already have a friend 🙂
good luck!! praying for you!! excited for your new adventures!!!
I am so sorry you’re going through this transition. I know how that can be. We moved suddenly from CA to Denver almost three years ago. I had to quit my job and learn to be a stay at home mom for my two boys. But I started reading blogs and yours was one that helped cheer me up and now I do a little blogging of my own. I am at peace with living in CO now. Unfortunately, my husband was diagnosed with cancer in January and I now regret feeling cranky about the move. I love your message about being kinder and more understanding. It’s true. Even though I don’t know you I will be thinking of you and praying for your transition – that you can find your “place” quickly and be able to see those new blessings.
I moved across Canada from the country’s largest city to a town of 1,900 people … It was a big change at first and a little scary but my husband and I have bloomed in this new surroundings and you will too. What a wonderful adventure for you to get to have with your family! Sending warm thoughts your way 🙂
So does that mean your returning to Colorado? 🙂
Best of luck on the move!
Thinking of you and your family during your move. What an adventure!
I have no doubt that you will bloom and blossom and flourish in this new place! You have an incredible ability to tackle this crazy life with grace; and that’s a virtue I’ve seen in you from the start. I can’t wait to see what life has in store for you next!
All the best 🙂
Light to your life ever
Oh Missy, I understand you completely. We are a military family, and my husband being an Officer means we move every three years. The last move from Japan back to America was the hardest for us. We had our baby in Japan, went a earthquake and so much distraction from the water, and we planted some deep roots in friendship there. I remember boarding the plane and just tears started running down my eyes, I couldn’t even stop them, it just hurt so much. The great part is that you know that your family and faith are with you and you will always carry your love for you home and friends in your heart. Time will heal the pain.
This was a beautiful post and I can’t wait to read about all the changes and upcoming adventures!
I am a firm believer in that everything happens for a reason, and in time you will understand the reason why life has thrown you this curve-ball! While change is never easy at first, you have each other and you will be able to make new memories, together.
Good luck with your move! And hopefully you will be moving close to your hometown 🙂
I am wishing you and your family all the best in your new transition. You have one another and will definitely flourish in this new place. I can feel it. I hope all is well.
We may be doing this soon and what you wrote was exactly what I needed to read. Thank you for your words and your faith. Good luck in Colorado!
Someday it will all make perfect sense. God has plans for our lives. He is always working for our good. Y’all are a strong family. I will say a special prayer for you:-)
For sure everything happens for a reason…. you will most definitely develop deep roots in your new home + you have family there, right?!! We have gone through something similar. In fact, as I write this, I’m super anxious with our own situation relying on faith alone. Best of luck to you guys… you’re in my thoughts! xo
Your post is reassuring that I’m not the only one feeling this way. My husband and I have moved around quite a bit over the past 5 years, not one of which was easy. You pick out a great house and make it your home, but then the next move comes along with a new adventure in store. We’re currently onto our 3rd home in 5 years and I know this isn’t the last. I’m hoping your roots will grow deeper than ours and wishing you the best of luck on your cross-country move. Remember that everything happens for a reason even if we don’t understand or know what reason that is.
Beautifully put. I cried, lamented and blogged recently about how emotional it was to just move out of the studio I had set up shop in for a few years, never mind a home! That said, I know amazing things are ahead for you and your sweet family. Onward and upward! Can’t wait to see your adventures in the beautiful state of Colorado! Safe travels. Xo Dani
Wow! Great post. I recently am going through a very similar experience. Selling my home for a new job and a new beginning. It’s been the toughest 3 months and all the while wondering if we’ve made the right decision selling the home we brought our baby boy home too. It’s times like these that faith just has to take the front seat and where we let go and pray that even if take the wrong road God will lead us back to the right one. Good luck to you and your family and thanks for your great blog!
Wow! This really hits “home” with me right now!
We have rented our home for 9 years. It is the only home my husband and I have known together. We were told by our landlord on May 8th that we have until mid August to move. His daughter is getting married and buying our home. We are planning to either build or buy our first home. We are not sure exactly what to do. This has turned our world upside down. I am letting God lead. He knows what is best.
It has been an emotional roller coaster for us here lately. I desire your prayers right now as well, and I will definitely keep you in mine!
Good luck and those pictures are adorable!
Oh my goodness! Couldn’t imagine. Moving is soooo hard and leaving a house you’ve been dreaming about sounds so hard!! Good luck! Totally jealous you’re going to Colorado though!
You will most definitely “bloom where you are planted!” It’s difficult to see it come together now when there’s so much emotion, I know. However, you are a woman of courage and faith with lots of love and support surrounding you!
Hey! I’m not sure where in Colorado you are moving but I have little ones as well. Be more than happy to have y’all over (if you just happen to be close to us) and tell you a bit about Colorado and what there is to do! We love play dates as well! Feel free to email me if you have any questions. I’m sure this is tough for you! Be careful moving and wishing y’all the very best! Hang in there momma! You will create new memories everywhere you go but the beauty of it all is that you never forget the old ones ;)!
I just love your blog and just felt compelled to respond to this post. I moved all the way from Texas to England as after 4 years if being apart from the love of my life, we just had to be together. What you just can’t see right now are the NEW memories you’ll make in the new home that was meant for you and your family. The new kitchen that houses the new stove that will make comforting meals, the new living room that will be bursting with love. How exciting!!!! And you get to make new memories in a beautiful part of the country! All whilst a new job that for sure is better as that’s the reason for accepting it. I love change as BETTER things come from it, it’s just you can’t see the forrest from the trees right now. Have a wonderful move and can’t wait to see the new house that will make a home when you step foot into it.
Life never tosses anything at you it knows you can’t handle. You will take this on and succeed with flying colors, trust me. You have your mind in the right place and honestly if someone didn’t feel the same as you about the home you loved so much, and the life you had, they’d be a bit silly to me. Emotions are truth, feel them, take them all in and use them daily to appreciate all you have and all you’ve ever had. Take it all one day at a time, smells the roses and don’t get overwhelmed. We’re all here to watch this new chapter unfold and can’t wait to hear the stories, see the new home and the smiles it will produce! oxox
PS I thought about emailing you to beg for your babies clothes when they get to big, then I realized I don’t have a baby boy, or baby yet for that matter but those two kiddos are the most styling little lads I’ve ever seen! ox
Drastic change without notice can be a scary prospect but your life is where you plant it and soon your new house will be your home and you will make new family/friends…Find new favorite places right away, ie: library, grocery store, park, pizza, shopping places and so on and soon the new will be familiar and common place,,,Cherish the memories of the old and embrace the new memories that are to come…God bless and good luck!
Oh, Missy!, I can totally sympathize! My 2013 was full of change, as you know and we moved in November to Milwaukee…. I can understand how hard and isolating it feels in a new place… I hope you can live in the moment and enjoy your new place and new path! Best of luck friend!,, xoxo
Where are you off to? I thought you guys were already in Colorado?
Anyhoo I enjoy reading your posts and simply LOVE all your beautiful photos! Your boys are adorable❤️ And girl you’ve got too much style for a mommy of two! I read and view what you share and try desperately to mimic the coolness your family has:). I’m an army wife and outta the 7 years we’ve been married this summer will be the 5th time we’ve moved. And feel ya and hear ya on the aches and woes of having to up root. So blessings to your family. May your transition be a smooth one. 🙂
I appreciate so much your raw and genuine attitude expression towards this move. I may not have children but I completely understand the fear and uncertainty of uprooting a family and not knowing what God has in store for you on the other end. There’s something exciting and terrifying when God reminds us that he has something else in store for us than what we had anticipated. I have been listening to a song lately that I think very much expresses the change that you are going through and it’s a beautiful song by Gunger called “This is not the end.” Listen to this song and I hope it also encourages you as you embrace this next adventure with your wonderful family.
“Common sense and faith are the same thing, moving at different speeds. Faith is just common sense, flying — the principle of moving forward, as though you have the confidence to move forward, so that when you look back and see what you’ve done, you can see that it was right.”
I’ve just read this entry today & the quote above jumped off the screen to me; as I am in the process of moving & changing up my life!
Best of luck with everything, I hope that by now you are settled & getting to know your new home.