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  • Fall Family Fashion Fun

    Wedding Bells

    After three kids and (almost) eleven years of marriage, you’ve witnessed your fair share of weddings. But when it’s your baby brother, that’s entirely different. To help make his special day as memorable as possible, consider…

    October 4, 2016
  • Other

    Tech Time Before Bedtime

    As part of our commitment with Sleep Number® to live healthier, getting better sleep has been an ongoing learning process. As we’ve focused our efforts in educating ourselves, we’ve found Sleep Number’s blog to be a valuable resource in…

    September 29, 2016
  • Dog Family Sentiments

    Dear Sister

    Dear Sister, You and I are a lot a like. Floormates, you might say. Lovers of loooong afternoon naps. Shoes, blocks, or even the occasional candy wrapper — all fair game for our giving a taste test…

    September 28, 2016
  • Drinks Food

    Ginger and Greens

    You know it’s a successful trip to the grocery store when: 1) You snag a cart without that notorious pirouetting ballerina wheel (you know the kind). 2) The offspring manage to keep their mini carts from crashing, clipping heels,…

    September 21, 2016
  • Create Family Sentiments Tutorials

    Love at Home

    Our family goal slash resolution for September is to show an increase of love at home. As silly as it may sound to make a milk carton house to collect acts of love, it’s actually working for us.…

    September 15, 2016