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  • Family Fashion Sentiments

    If Mama’s Happy…

    denim: old (similar, similar) | ruffle tank: anthropologie (similar) | pom pom kimono: target | clutch: c/o LeTote | sandals: charlotte russe | necklace: c/o page sargisson | stacked rings: c/o page sargisson | cuff: handmade…

    July 7, 2015
  • Family Fun Holidays

    4th of July

    There are a lot of things I don’t know; but one thing I do — living in this country, with these people… it just doesn’t get any better. Happy Birthday, USA! denim: old (similar)…

    July 6, 2015
  • Family Fun Travel Videos

    Gone Fishing

    Along with roasting marshmallows and this night, fishing in the mountains made it onto our summer bucket-list! Embarrassingly enough, being “city-folk” we didn’t have a fishing permit, poles, or even the slightest idea where…

    July 1, 2015
  • Family Fun

    A Special Sunday

    It’s the same dress I wore, at roughly the same age, for the same very special day. I can’t believe June has almost slipped by without me sharing baby doll’s blessing day! You could…

    June 29, 2015
  • Create Family

    Summering with Seedling

    On most days you can find us poolside, with everything but the kitchen sink packed along with us! Three kids, you guys. It still doesn’t seem real! But every now and again, it’s nice…

    June 25, 2015