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  • Family Fun


    Friday night we always sleep in the same room – a family sleepover of sorts. Come Saturday morning, there’s always extra snuggles in bed and some sort of ‘out of the ordinary’ breakfast. I…

    March 17, 2014
  • Family Fun

    It’s Picnic Weather

    Sunday dinners are always the best way to kick-start a new week. There’s nothing more comforting than being together as a little family. Nowhere to be. No phones (and if there are phones, it’s…

    March 11, 2014
  • Family Fun

    Another Year Older

    It’s said that growing old is mandatory. But I say, growing up is optional. This year we kept my birthday short and sweet — pizza pie and birthday cake. I suppose the bigger the…

    March 4, 2014
  • Create Desserts Family Food Fun Holidays

    Snow Cream

    On a whim when the flakes were falling fast we grabbed a mixing bowl and a spoon to collect fresh snow for making ice-cream! If you’ve ever tried Chickfila’s ice-dream, you know what I’m…

    February 21, 2014
  • Family Fun

    Eat. Sleep. Snow.

    Last week we savored every minute of our snowed-in staycation. Slow mornings, hot breakfasts, board games, movies in bed, pj’s all day, lots and LOTS of playing in snow, and of course hot cocoa…

    February 19, 2014