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  • Food Fun Holidays Main Course

    Let’s Be Frank

    It’s the one day of the year we can show our guys how much they mean to us. And for mine, that means hot dogs. I’ve tried thoughtful sentiments and special gifts; but his…

    June 12, 2013
  • Fun

    Playing in Puddles

    We had just finished our toast, when the rain started. Gage worried (as he always does when it rains) that thunder might follow. He checked for signs of the wind’s strength – looking at…

    June 6, 2013
  • Desserts Entertaining Family Food Fun House

    Sunday Sundaes

    The countdown to summer break was almost as exciting as the countdown to Christmas. I can still remember the first few mornings waking up and thinking I was late for school; but quickly remembering…

    June 4, 2013
  • Fun

    Strawberries at Sunset

    We picked strawberries at sunset. On a Tuesday. Gage picked his fair share of underripe ones. Beckam ate faster than we could pick. There were races down the rows. And falls to follow. It’s…

    May 30, 2013
  • Entertaining Fun

    A Golf Par-Tee

    3 years old. In such a short time we’ve shared so much together! It’s true, at only 18 months you took a liking to golf. You never cared much for cartoons… PGA golf on…

    May 28, 2013