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  • Fun

    Let Freedom Ring

    Our 4th was a quietly relaxed one, filled with… yummy food, sunshine, family time at home, and sparklers! Tee hee {heart giggles}!!! It’s the simple freedoms that we enjoy on a daily basis that…

    July 5, 2011
  • Fun

    A Day at The Beach

    Happy Independence Day! Nothing like enjoying salty air & sunshine to kick off the 4th! Next on the agenda? Patriotic pancakes… We’ll catch you all tomorrow!…

    July 4, 2011
  • Fun

    Float Your Paper Boat

    Some days call for staying at home. And that means little ones can spike a high temp of cabin fever. Yesterday was such a day for us. These cute little boats are a sure…

    June 29, 2011
  • Fun

    Oui Oui French Bakery

    There was this one time, we decided to do something fun and spontaneous. So we got in the car, tossed a gazillion toys in the back for Little Mister, jammed the nursery tunes up,…

    June 24, 2011
  • Fun

    Dad’s Day

    Husby here. Did it psych you out to hear a guy’s voice? Sorry. I’m the lucky one that is married to this wonderfully creative wife and mommy. She always has us running around town…

    June 20, 2011