Browsing Category


  • Family Holidays

    Happy Holidays, My Dear

    This year’s card was inspired by warmth and whimsy. After all, nothing is closer to my heart than my boys (and for some odd reason, their little feet too). Looking at these pictures brings…

    December 12, 2012
  • Family Food Holidays Holidays

    Gingerbread Cookie Houses

    In the eyes of a munchkin, cookies + candy = is the perfect combination. For a mom, an entire gingerbread house means mess and stress. So, thus began the hunt for a giant gingerbread…

    December 3, 2012
  • Family Holidays

    Be Merry Be Bright

    brandycardarelliphotography Husby and I find ourselves talking about how incredibly happy & blessed we are. It’s my hope that everyone is experiencing these same feelings of merriment, during this time of year. Each year…

    December 12, 2011