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  • Desserts Food Holidays Knock Offs

    Creamy Cheesecake (Day 2)

    There’s a first for everything – in this case, baking cheesecake from scratch. Traditionally, I’m not one for a slice of cheesecakeā€¦ something about the dense texture and one dimensional flavor of the cream…

    February 4, 2013
  • Food Knock Offs Main Course Salads

    Double Dinner (part 3)

    So onto our salad, shall we? It’s one of my favorite splurges when shopping at Nordstrom. No, I don’t pack a picnic to eat in the dressing room, if that’s what you’re thinking. If…

    January 23, 2013
  • Food Main Course

    Double Dinner (part 2)

    By the time we’re done with all of this… you’ll be dreaming of salmon (and hopefully not in the nightmare form). Lost already? Start back HERE. This recipe is one of those that foots…

    January 22, 2013
  • Food Main Course

    Double Dinner (part 1)

    My late Grandmother used to say, “Eat to live. Not live to eat.” I think she was referring to how mundane food can become, at times. But I also believe there was something even…

    January 21, 2013
  • Breakfast Desserts Food Snacks

    Fight Back

    Another one bites the dust. I’m referring to mwah. It was only a matter of time, what with the no sleep for 8 nights, and all. This little concoction is giving our white blood…

    January 16, 2013