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  • Breakfast Create Family Food Snacks

    Teddy Bear Toast

    It’s back to reality after being away visiting family for a month! A WHOLE month… whoa. To be perfectly honest, I could’ve stayed through Halloween. But then again, I might forget how to cook…

    September 23, 2013
  • Create Family Food Fun Snacks

    Yogi Pops

    My boys love yogurt and equally love popsicles just as much. Leave it to the $1 section at Target to always spark good ideas. The fruit ice-cube molds just begged to be filled with…

    August 9, 2013
  • Appetizers Bakery Food Snacks

    Soft Pretzels

    With family in town, I wanted to make our time together extra special. Going to THIS baseball game was the perfect excuse to make homemade pretzels for snacking on. Then again, any excuse would…

    July 11, 2013