I never thought I’d be one to say I’m having a bittersweet experience with the countdown to baby’s arrival. But it’s true. I find myself worried about my relationship with Gage. It’s only been our little duo for two years. And now another little fellow will be added to the mix. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not in mourning of changing the duo to a trio. But it will be different.
Our time together is being prioritized differently.
Say even a few months ago, spending time on the phone or computer or even working out may have been no biggie. But now my phone’s on vibrate, the TV is turned off, in exchange for what matters most.
Whether it’s playing a round of Hungry Hippos, going for a walk, or letting him help me prepare meals… all of it is time spent together.
I’ll be the first one to say I’m guilty of associating quality time with some sort of planned activity or project. But you know what? It doesn’t have to be that at all. It can be as simple as him tossing the pillows on the bed when I make it in the morning. Powdering my nose with blush and laughing that he gets most of it in my eyes. Looking for birds in the trees. Or even singing “Old McDonald” in the car instead of listening to the radio.
Life spent with our little ones goes so quickly. There’s not the extra time for saying, “Just a minute, son.” or “When I’m finished, ok?”
To be in our children’s memories tomorrow, we have to be in their lives today.
This has been very inspiring! Thank you for posted such a heartfelt message 🙂
This post is so touching and so true. I think this every day when I look at my little girl who will be 2 in August. In the blink of an eye she went a little baby in my arms to an independent toddler that wants no boundaries! We have to be thankful for every second. Thanks for your post and enjoy your weekend!! xo
Perfectly said.
Thank you for the reminder!
We all need it, me most of all. It’s hard not to get caught up in the every day (since it’s pretty much the same all the time) and stop and realize that each day is a gift that is gone with a new day. Just trying hard to enjoy each one…
This is so beautiful!!! You have a wonderful heart 🙂
My heart thanks you! xo
This is seriously one of the best posts you have. It almost made me cry. thank you!
Aww, Marina. Thank you! Sometimes I’m worried that my feelings aren’t coming across clearly or maybe too clearly. But this helps me know it’s okay to share this kind of stuff with you all! xo
Thanks for sharing this thought with all of us Missy. I needed this as my duo becomes a trio in the summer.
Exciting and terrifying all at the same time, right?! Hope you’re feeling well.
It’s true that things will change, but in the most perfect way. You are giving G the best gift ever…a brother!
(sigh) Thank you for this. I needed the reminder of why we decided to get pregnant this close together. Selfishly I wasn’t “ready” but I did it for Gage’s sake… to have a friend close growing up. Thanks, friend.
I had this same thoughts (my kiddos are 5 years apart). I remember crying to my mom that I was going to miss the two of us hanging out. I still have moments where I miss those days, just the two of us doing our thing. Of course I would never trade my baby girl for the world… I just think change is a bittersweet thing!
Oh wow! yes, I’m sure it’s even harder the longer you spend “alone time” together. But what a blessing to have another one and like you said, the time to cherish that it was just you two.
I remember feeling those same emotions just before my second arrived. The first few weeks did have hard moments for my first. He certainly was confused at times and punished me. If your little one does this, know it is only temporary. Soon you will be back to being the apple of his eye. And nothing replaces the happiness you feel in your heart when they get a little older and become best buds.
Thank you thank you thank you for this! Seriously. It always helps to get another perspective from someone who is further ahead down the road. You nailed it… I’m worried I won’t be his #1 anymore (that he’ll resent me and feel replaced). Thank you again! xo
I needed to hear this today. Thank you.
I saw that you also wrote a post on this. I can’t thank you enough for sharing it meant something to you (I was hesitant to even post today… so tired and feeling lazy). But I kept feeling the “nudge” to share. Thank you for letting me know it the “nudge” may have been just for you! xo
Such a great post! You sure know the important things in life!
I have to remind myself of these things. I put my vulnerable side out there sometimes; but to know it’s feelings that others experience makes it easier to share.
I absolutely LOVE all your photos and posts! I am only 16 so I don’t know what being a parent or anything feels like, but your photos make me want to be a mom so much more! You are amazing, and I want to be just like you when I grow up (: