This is my definition of love defined through pictures.
It’s this simple love that has me overcome. These are the simple things that bring about the most joy in life. The ever so small moments that matter most. Why, even a penny tossed would be considered such a moment.
These little moments are the memories that will last the longest. The pictures that will bring tears when he’s grown. It’s these moments that need to be recognized, cherished, and appreciated.
For at any moment today could be our last.
It’s so easy to see to-do lists, agendas, deadlines, and routines as the events that somehow “have to” take 1st precedence. However, the way we choose to use our time comes with a price. By getting caught up in the trivial we often miss the meaningful.
I believe when we’re old & gray looking back on our lives we’ll ask ourselves these questions, “Did I spend my time on Earth wisely? Did I appreciate the small things with those I love the most?”
My new motto… What moment am I going to make matter most today?
Enjoy the moments together this weekend! xo
Here’s a video I also happened to watch this morning… ironic? I think not. Another nudge? Most Definitely. Click HERE to watch.
So true… I’ve realized this more fully in the last couple of years. Now I try to live fully and enjoy completely the simple and little things of life. These truly are the things to be cherished! Happy Friday Missy!
This is so precious 🙂
Amen. And I LOVE that video!
THANK YOU for sharing that video.
It came on a perfect day for me…
Great post Missy! I really like the photos. Those kind are definitely the ones you’ll cherish most. I often times get into ruts where I don’t take photos for a while, but when I finally make myself, I am also so glad 🙂
So sweet. I am pretty sure you were inspired because I needed this so much today!! Thank you for sharing
love it. so sweet and so true.
Thank you for this post, Missy! I’ve seen the video before, but I really needed it today. Thank you for your inspirational posts and photos.
Those definitely are precious, happy moments!
Miss I am totally in love with your blog. Jen told me about it of course. 😉 Jace did awesome! And you are so incredibly talented woman! How do you do it? I check your blog every day to get inspired!! Ha ha. Also, thanks for the video. I LOVED it.