I’m switching hats. Pull up a soft lounger. Yes, the ones that the shrinks use. We’re going to have a little heart to heart. More or less, I’m going to share with you something I’ve been pondering as of late.
I remember Husby asking me on our 2nd date, “What do you think about when you’re alone?” It was quite the loaded question. And he continued,”Our thoughts when we’re alone, define what our true character is.”
Well, I’ve been thinking about strangers.
How do we treat the people we don’t know? Yes, people better known as strangers. The people we interact with on a daily basis but may never see again. Like the lady who slices your lunch meat. Or the guy in the car next to you jammin’ out to Bon Jovi. Or even the little girl who points at you while waiting for your Redbox to eject. All of them. How do we treat them?
I think too often we stick to ourselves. We think, “They don’t know me. I don’t know them. I’m doing my thing. And they’re doing theirs.” And then we stay silent and move on our way.
I’ve found the days that I’m REALLY happy (like more bouncy-bubbly than normal) are the days I treat strangers as friends. It doesn’t have to be deep or drawn out. It’s when we are genuinely happy. And genuinely care to make others happy.
It’s even harder when you don’t see the strangers. Maybe you just see their name. I’m referring to most of you. I see your names but I’ve never met most of you in the grocery store or walking with my pup. A name on a screen has very little meaning unless we realize there is a stranger’s face behind it. It matters how we treat the names. Is it slightly creepy that I visualize a face associated with your name? Don’t worry… words don’t describe your beauty.
This whole blogging thing has been quite the test, you guys. And it’s taking everything I’ve got. So why? Why do I do it? Because I’m genuinely trying to make my family and others (yes, even you) happy. Tee hee.
Of course there are always going to be those that find fault with my and your efforts…
Like, the lady at Target that I complimented and in return gave me a serious crusty (the kind that reeks of burnt toast). Just brushed it off with a smile. As Mom always said, “Kill ’em with kindness.”
But in the end I think our words & deeds rendered to those around us, says the very most about who we really are.
My goal today is to make it a REALLY happy day. And that means I need strangers. So? Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Boo! I guess I’ll start with you!
I’ve been meaning to tell you, my little stranger and friendly… I truly appreciate you! The fact that you come each day to see what we’re up to. That you take the time to tell me your feelings. That you’re sharing my family with yours. And for that I’m thankful.
Yup! Already feeling spunkier!
- The Ensemb
- Dress – H&M
- Jean Shirt – H&M
- Bangles – F21
- Watch – Michael Kors
- Necklace – Kismet
- Sunglasses – some Hair Salon in UT
Aww, Missy Was someone mean to you? I’m so sorry. It’s so hard as a blogger when you put yourself out there with nothing but love and good intentions, and someone responds to that wonderfulness with negativity or unkindness. Keep your head up and keep doing what your doing, girl!
love and sparkles
Yes somone was a tad nasty. But that was just the icing on the cake of these “stranger” thoughts I’ve been having… and experiences I’ve been blessed to enjoy with those I interact with for only minutes or even seconds that is making a BIG impact for good in my life. I was washing Bub in the tub last night and thought… “I really need to share this on PP. Don’t hoard the lessons you’re learning.” Thank you for the love, Rach. xo & sparkles (that’s cute, my dear)
great post
What a pleasure to put such a pretty face behind your name! Your little family is too cute for words, my dear! Aww, lil’ LoLo. I can tell you’re a good Mama. xo
I LOVE you blog! Just recently found it – but it it absolutely incredible and you are inspiring. I do have a question – that gorgeous ring in your picture. What is it and where do I find one?! I would love a better picture!
Annon, haha! And I LOVE you! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! xo. Ah, yes… the ring. I’m chuckling behind my screen right now. Because there’s a funny story behind it (maybe I should do a post on it & give you a better look at it). It’s a canary diamond! Shut it. I wish, right? It’s a yellow citrine cocktail ring. I got it with my mother-in-law in a little boutique when I was recovering from my car accident. I wear it instead of my diamond when I wear gold accessories. Something about white gold & then bold yellow gold accessories bothers me. So this little lady is my right hand lady. I’ll see if I can find you one similar online.
I am assuming this post was sparked by the mean emails you received. I can’t believe some people…what is the point of being mean and snarky to someone you don’t even know. Keep doing what you are doing!
The post stemmed from thoughts I’ve been chewing on for almost a month now, just in general. Yes, the comical “hate mail” kinda put me over the hunch to share… more so the positive aspects of making conscious efforts to be happy & kind to all. Sounds like a Miss America pageant answer, right? Oh dear. Thank you so very much for your support, sweet Sara. xo
Amen to that… I think that a lot of people use blogging and other such things just to reach out to others… to feel a little bit of a connection with other people. There are always going to be people who are nasty or mean.. and maybe they are the people who need the reaching out the most. Hope you have a good day. And if you have a chance to check out my blog sometime, I recently wrote a little exerpt very relatable to this subject. Happy Thursday!
What a wonderful reminder, sweetie. You truly are a gem in God’s crown. I believe you have a very special purpose & you’re doing all that you can to achieve it in this life. I commend you on your ability to endure. It’s an inspiration and blessing to see such strength & optimism. Thank you so VERY much for spreading the same message in such a beautiful way. Love you, Kerri.
Hey Melissa! I’m not quite a stranger Ashely told me about your cute blog and I have been checking it for the past week or so. You are so adorable and I love everything you post about. All your pictures are just lovely too! When did you pick up photography? And little man is so cute! I am so glad you finally have this blog where as your one before was private and we never got to see what you were up to. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and thank you for sharing all that you do with us! I love your blog!
Noelle! So good to reconnect with you! xo Um, Emrie? Hi. She’s BEYOND adorbs & has grown to be just as beautiful as she was as an infant! Somehow we lost contact with you guys along the way. Thank you for reaching out to us…now we can stay better connected! The photography dept? Yeah I’m no pro and don’t try to be. I’ve always enjoyed taking pictures (ask my family how annoying I am when I stop at everything to capture every detail). I’ve enjoyed playing around with my camera & love to hear you like the photog. The photography I love the most is when my dear friend, Brandy shoots me/family. She’s always credited when her work is used. It’s obvious the sea of difference between us! Haha. So good to hear from you! xo
Well said! I for one am so thankful for your positive attitude! You are one of the blogs I start my day with everyday because it gets me in the right state of mind to be a super happy wife, mommy, friend, neighbor, etc.! I think you inspire people to live their best life (like a super cute blogger version of Oprah! ha!) and I love that about you! Keep it up!
Oh.My.Word. Really? I think I just fell off my chair. You are beyond complimentary! I need to pinch myself. xo
This is a great post. I’m sorry if you got any rude emails, but just know that there are lots of people out there that LOVE reading what you write (me included). Thank you for this reminder to be kind to people. Everyone has a story to tell and sometimes all people need to change their day is a friendly smile.
P.s. your pic is so pretty above! It looks like a prettier, younger version of Rachel Zoe.
WOW! Rachel Zoe? I don’t know if I’d go that far… she’s absolutely gorgeous! I feel so honored that you enjoy reading me. Thank you, darling girl. xo
Hello! I totally agree with you! I find in my day to day the more positive I am, the more positive I feel. Even if others are not positive or kind, I can control my feelings. Sorry if you have received any negativity, it is hard to put yourself out there in a public forum. I really enjoy what you share and your positive attitude! I just sent you an email this morning so maybe we will be “strangers” no more
I’ll have to dig through my inbox. You’ve got me intrigued. Do we live close? It’s all about controlling ourselves. I used to teach 1st grade and I loved when kids would tell me, “But!!! He MADE me do it!” It always opened up a good teaching opportunity that we have a choice even when people push us to our very limits. Thank you, Jessica! xo
I don’t think we live close, darn! If we did I would ask you to style my outfits everyday:) Just wanted to introduce myself through the web-o-sphere. Hi there!
I think of all your blog entries, this is my fave! When I moved here from Ft. Lauderdale 5 years ago, I didn’t know a soul…so EVERYONE was a “stranger”…I’ll always remember my first months here in Charlotte…my “besties” came in the form of the Starbucks drive thru guy, the cashier at Harris Teeter Blakeney, and many other random souls that I firmly believe God places in our path everyday for some reason or another. Coming from not being able to even go to a gas station without running into a friend for 39 years of living in a 10 mile radius, being the loner up here was culture shock! I am a people person, and so, like you stated…it doesn’t have to be long or drawn out, but meeting a stranger can sometimes be the best part of your day…”if you see someone without a smile, give them yours”…words to live by…and your heart will thank you for the feeling it gives you!
And I remember well, the day we were strangers meeting. Oh how it’s beautiful to look back at where it led. xo
What a great post! You’ve completely altered my viewpoint on “strangers”, thanks for that. I will try to make this day a REALLY happy day as well. Very inspiring.
Silvina, I sure hope it is a REALLY happy day. I’ve been thinking about you all today & hoping there’s a lot of happy people trying to make others happy… LMK how it went!
i’m def a lot more friendly when i’m in a good mood. that goes for everyone around me not just strangers. my poor kids get a grumpy mom when someone has woken up too early. i need to work on that…
Naps are a beautiful thing… for both kiddos and Mamas. I can be quite the morning bear slash beast myself! haha!
I couldn’t agree with you more. I’ve been amazed at the number of strangers I’ve met this summer that have become dear friends. I’ve found that if we are daring enough to put ourselves out there, most of the time, people will welcome us with open arms. Sometimes it can take courage to strike up a conversation with someone you’ve never met, or to offer help to stranger, but if we take the leap, I’ve found often times we’ll find friends in the most unexpected places!
Isn’t it amazing the different places we go and the different people we meet? Despite culture or circumstance we all just want to feel loved. Thank you for sharing your input as well… that sometimes it’s okay to admit that we need to leap with courage. xo
P.S. I love how your face is blurred in the accompanying picture – totally goes with the concept of the post. Oh… and you look beautiful of course.
I just discovered your blog last week and it is already one of my favorite daily reads! I have found that some of my favorite “friends” are the people whose blogs I read on a regular basis. They are often the women (and sometimes men) who make me realize that I’m not alone in my interests, humor, or struggles. It’s funny how these “strangers” can brighten my day without ever having met me. Thanks for sharing with all of us strangers!
You’re so very welcome. Isn’t the world in which we live amazing? We can impact people for good on such a large scale. I appreciate your thoughts! xo
You went from being a stranger to being my best friend and someone who has made one of the most positive impacts on my life. Love you Miss!
Where’s the tissue when I need it? Oh wait… Little Mister unrolled the entire roll and is now ripping it to shreds and laughing! Mama crying + Baby Laughing = Comedy Show!
I’ll bet he was just SOOOOO proud of himself and giggled the entire time too!
What an amazing post!! I truly love your blog, it gives me so much inspiration! Thanks for all of your great ideas!
Elsa, I’m glad you’re finding it beneficial! It warms my heart to know I’m helping. Thank you so very very much! xo
I couldn’t agree more! It is so sweet that you take the time to think of others when it is so easy to only think about yourself and your little family.
I’m with everyone else… I LOVE reading your blog because it makes me want to try harder to be an all around better person! The world would be a much cuter and friendlier place if it was filled with missy copy-cats, so keep the posts coming, girlie! xo
I love your blog! And it does always brighten my day– esp. when I get to snag one of your awesome ideas or recipes or hair tips (though I will admit that when I tried doing the ringlet hair? I burned the heck out of my neck. Ouch. haha…)
Thanks for this blog! I love it! And think you are awesome too.
Love- I just read a quote and totally thought of you. I know people think you’re gorgeous but it’s who you are, Missy, that makes you so stunning! This is the quote:
The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.
–Elizabeth Kuhler Ros
I’ve recently come upon your blog, and just adore your writing style and topics and have loved some of your recipes that we have tried. From one “stranger” to another thank you for sharing your joys with us, and brightening others days. I have often felt convicted about our interactions with others as well, and being a woman of deep faith, I believe that we are called to love one another, no matter how long or short that interaction might be. There will always be those out there who feel the need to be unkind and say hurtful words, but know that this is so much more about them than you. Wishing you a beautiful day . . . .
I stumbled upon your adorable blog via a pin on Pinterest and have been hooked ever since! My husband actually has to pry me away from the computer as I am backtracking to read your previous posts.
I don’t have kids yet, but we will eventually, and seeing that you are able to be mom who takes care of her kiddo, while staying trendy and adorable gives me SO much hope! I have seen so many women give up the fight and reside in a life of frump-hood.
Bottom line, you are an light in a dark world of ‘give up on impressing anyone because I have snagged the guy’.
Thanks for doing what you do!